How to play Speak?

In this tutorial, you'll see how Speak was designed as a simple game that allows for infinite complexity. Let's dive in!


Speak is a turn-based card game. Each turn follows this simple sequence:

  • Start turn
  • Draw Phase (DP)
  • Word Phase (WP)
  • Main Phase (MP)
  • Battle Phase (BP)
  • Main Phase 2 (M2)
  • End turn

And then repeat for player 2

turn structure

Draw Phase: draw 1 card from your deck

Word Phase: Words are generated in this phase. Neither player generates Words in their first turn. In their next turn, they generate 3 Words, then 4, then 5, until the cap of 7 Words per turn for both players.

Main Phase: Speak (summon) cards and activate card Effects

Battle Phase: Attack! When a card is attacked, its HP (hit points) are reduced by the DP (damage points) of the attacking card. Cards can attack once per Battle Phase. Card Effects may also be activated during this Phase.

Main Phase 2: The same as Main Phase, allowing for last-minute changes

Game Layout

The game is played on a grid allowing 6 Creatures, 6 Spells/Curses, 2 Realms, and 1 Hero for each player (more on card types below). In addition, both players have a Deck of minimum 40 cards, and the Silence, which is where all destroyed or used cards go. Players will start a game with their Hero and 1 Realm card already on the field, for a total of 42 cards needed for a viable Deck.


Both players start the game by drawing 5 random cards from the Deck.Player 1 skips their Word Phase and Draw Phase, beginning in their Main Phase directly. Player 2 skips their Word Phase, but they do their Draw Phase.

Thus, Player 1 starts with 5 cards, but Player 2 starts with 6 (once their turn begins).


Both players start the game with 10 Words.

Words are your resource in the game (like mana or energy), and allow you to speak cards and activate Effects (Abilities and Enchantments).

Using your Words more efficiently than your opponent is the hidden key to winning a game.


It is possible to go into Debt, in which any Words a player generates are used to pay back their Debt rather than increase their Words.

Players can voluntarily incur Debt by flipping up (speaking) a facedown card, which will use the Words that card requires even if the player does not have enough. Thus, their Word count will become negative. Additionally, some card Effects can reduce a player&apos's Words, which can also incur Debt.

If a player is in Debt by 10 Words, they lose the game.



Each player starts with 1 Hero card on the field, and they cannot be changed during the game.

Destroy the enemy Hero to win the game.

anatomy of a hero

Heroes can be Advanced (in the front row) or Retreated (in the backrow). An Advanced Hero can attack and block incoming attacks directed at Creatures (blocking is optional). A Retreated Hero cannot attack or block, but they also cannot be attacked as they are defended by Creatures in the front row.

If a player's Hero is Advanced, and they attack with it, it cannot be Retreated until their next turn.



Creatures are your main unit in the game. They can be used to attack, defend, or influence the game with their Abilities. Creatures come in Types, such as Human, Beast, Undead, etc. and some have multiple Types. Lastly, some Creatures do not have Abilities, and their text simply reads their lore in italicized text.


Creatures can be placed facedown without using Words, but they cannot be spoken (and thus flipped face up) until your next turn, or if it is attacked. If a player decides to speak their facedown card, they must then use the Words it requires.

Lastly, a player can have up to 6 Creatures on their field.



Realm cards allow for Creatures of certain types to be spoken onto the field without being Muted (more on this later). For example, a Digital-type Creature will need “Cybernet” on its field before its spoken. If it is spoken without Cybernet (or another Realm that allows for Digital Creatures), the Creature's Abilities will be negated and it will be Muted (cannot attack or activate its abilities) until it's proper Realm is on its field.

Realms can be Pressed, which means destroying one on your field and replacing it with another in your hand, as well as drawing a new card from your Deck. This can be done once during each of your turns.


Realms can be destroyed.

All realms have 3 HP by default, but they cannot be attacked. They can only be destroyed by card Effects, such as by the Ability of a Creature or the Enchantment of a Spell or Curse.

If a Realm is destroyed, any Creatures that depended on it will have their Abilities negated and then become Muted (cannot attack or activate Abilities). There are other ways cards can be Muted, such as by card Effects.


Spells and Curses

Spells and curses are cards that influence the game. For example, some Spells and Curses can heal or inflict damage to Creatures, while others can search for specific cards from your deck or negate other card Effects.

Spells can only be spoken during your turn, and Curses can only be spoken during your opponent's turn (directly from your hand).

Spells and Curses can be placed facedown without using Words, but they cannot be spoken (and thus flipped face up) until their next legal turn. For example, a Spell can only be placed facedown during your turn, and can only be spoken during your next turn. Likewise, a Curse can only be placed facedown during your opponent's turn, and can only be spoken during your opponent's next turn. If a player decides to speak their facedown card, they must then use the Words it requires, even if they Incur Debt.


Spells and Curses can either be Single, Continuous, or Equip types.

  • - Single use: one and done
  • - Continuous: lingers on the field until conditions are met or it's destroyed
  • - Equip: attaches itself to another card

Win Conditions

The goal of the game is to destroy your opponent's Hero, place them into a Debt of 10 Words, or exhaust their Deck of any cards. In addition, some card Effects have special win conditions.

May the best player win.